Monday, December 5, 2016

Son Gets First Buck In Pennsylvania Rifle Deer Season 2016

Took my son on the first day of deer season 2016 in Pennsylvania. He is 14, and just in his second season of deer hunting. Last year was discouraging, as he missed his first chance at a deer. Luckily, this season proved to be better. I was fortunate enough to have him come along with me as he lost interest after missing deer last season. He surprised me on opening day by waking up early and heading out in the woods. We sat quietly on a nice ridge before dark and waited for first light. I could see he was eager to hunt. Good fortune came when a beautiful 6 point walked through the pines below us. I prayed that deer would stop and give him a shot. The deer stopped broadside in an opening in the pines. My son pulled the trigger of his .243 and I knew it was a good shot. The deer buckled and jumped behind some brush. My son's excitement was unbelievable. The hardest part was to keep my son from running down the hillside after the deer. I told him we were to wait sometime to make sure the deer had time to die. I was not sure where he hit the deer yet, and did not want to push an injured deer further in the brush. We waited a painful hour before I let him go down to where the deer stood in the pines. When he arrived, there was no blood. Just fur. His heart sank, and was in anguish. I told him I could see it was a good hit, and for him to slowly look for the deer. He picked up fresh tracks in the mud and about 30 yards in the thick stuff I heard him yell with joy. He screamed "I see a deer" and was looking at this beautiful buck laying dead under a tree. I gave him a high five as he began to light up with excitement. He dragged it to a creek a few yards away. I showed him how to gut the animal and get it ready for dragging. This was a blessed day. He immediately became excited to hunt again and has been hunting with me this last part of the season. It took just a little success and luck to put the hunting passion back into him. I only hope he continues the tradition as he grows older. It was a very special day for him and me both as we both enjoyed Pennsylvania's great outdoors. I am very thankful.

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