Saturday, August 14, 2010

Channel Catfish Large In lake Erie

Went down to the Bayfront this evening with the kids. Large front moving in and barometer plummeting. I knew fish would be turned on. Caught a large Channel Cat about 7lbs, 24 inches. Gave my kids a nice fight. Took both of them holding on to the rod to get this fat fish in. Caught about 10 Sheepshead, and multiple smaller perch. A fun and exciting evening.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Sheepshead Biting Hard At Border Patrol

Took the kids out for a night of fishing. Went to the Border Patrol in search of crappie on the wall. Fished last couple of hours of light. Caught several large sheepshead on minnows. Nothing else. Fun for the kids to reel in but nothing for the table.